latest project guidelines
Business Studies VIVA Guidelines
students are concerned about whether they will be able to perform well.
Although it may feel like a completely new challenge. It is indeed regarded as the
most feared component of the whole examination but we have some tips for you to
improve your performance:
1. Appear neatly and decently dressed.
2. Read your project carefully Know your project inside out. You should read your Project through before the viva with a critical eye. If there is anything that you have written that you are not sure about, or which you feel you might have justified more fully, spend time thinking about how you might respond if challenged on these aspects of your work in viva.
3. Be Confident - listen to the questions carefully and answer questions steadily and calmly without rushing
4.Show etiquette -Do not enter the viva room unless asked , Greet the examiner - Good Morning/Afternoon Sir/Madam, Stand up until you are asked to take a seat, Say Thank You when you leave the room
5. If you do not understand a question, ask for it to be rephrased or ask for clarification, such as ‘I’m sorry, would you like me to tell you about...?’
6. Never Argue with the examiner rather be polite
7. If you don’t know say – I’m sorry Sir/Madam. Sitting quietly saying nothing is a waste of everyone’s time. Practice saying ‘I can’t recall’ (better than ‘I don’t know’)
8. Keep your answers relatively brief and concise.
9. Draw attention to things in your project that you particularly like, especially if they are not mentioned by the examiner.
10. Hold your head up high. You have worked hard for this day, and you have every right to feel proud of your achievements
11. Finally, hard though it may seem, do look as if you are enjoying the viva! The more you try to enjoy it, the better you will perform. Attitude is everything.
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